Our Team

'daDad (38 yo), the Mama (36yo), FarmerBoy (19 yo ds), Gypsygirl (17 yo dd), Miss Petite (16 yo dd),LionHeart (14 yo ds), Red (12 yo ds), Belle (10 yo dd),Nae Nae (7 yo dd),Bunny (2 yo dd), Little Britches (3 months)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This morning I woke up to the sharp sound of sleet on the rooftop.When I heard that, I was so grateful for a dry, warm place to live. Thank you, Jesus!
It has been doing "something" since yesterday about 2pm. It sleeted off and on from then until sometime this morning. After that it started snowing. It still is, I think. The snow is very beautiful.The children have hot plans to go sledding tomorrow. I'm trying to decide what goodies I can whip up for them after wards. Spiced cider (apple juice) and popcorn? Maybe.
We did call mo|one|call. The phone company didn't mark the lines because they weren't sure of the address. The reason why was because they couldn't find the house :). Hmmmm......neither can I. Anyway, so, no dirt work till that's done. Besides, they may not be able/willing to do any work because of this storm. Haven't asked yet.
Still trying to figure out the foundation.
We did get a phone call from the framer. He had some suggestions and a supply list. He and 'daDad talked for a long time.
We rearranged things ,again, and now we have more room and privacy. I think we'll all appreciate it.
The public school children had today off. We did school work, as usual. It is very different living in town.I'm not sure what they (the children's friends) thought about it, but I did offer to home school them for the day :). They decided it was time to go back home;).
My parents bought me some books of Norman Rockwell prints off ebay. They surprised me with that this afternoon.
This was to replace the one that burned. Dad and I used to look at it together when I was a little girl. I can't wait to flip through them with my own children.
Scripture-Psalm 24 Song-At the Cross

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Remembering the Unforgetable

I am going to write about my original post, and then add a different one towards the end.
Today we attended a service in memory of the 50 million documented unborn children murdered legally in the US. I am not going to be politically correct here. Don't comment here on my blog, if you don't like what I have to say, get your own blog. You won't change my mind. Every year when the Roe vs. Wade anniversary rolls around I think about how my mom could have aborted me. She didn't. I don't buy how we supposedly "need" abortion on demand. I was one of those pregnant unwed mothers. If I had killed the baby (aka Farmerboy) I was carrying, 'da Dad would have dumped me and our family would not be here. God took our sin and created a new life, and a new family. I thank Him and praise Him daily for a husband who loves me and is my best friend this side of heaven. The children? They are just plain awesome. I would not be who I am today without them. None of this would be if I had aborted him.
Pray for our leaders, and our country.
This part came up after the service. Our family was visiting one of my aunts, when she received a phone call saying that one of my dearest friends had passed away. Wilma was very instrumental in helping me mature as a mother, wife, and Christian. A great deal of who I am in these areas developed across her kitchen table. We will miss her greatly, but we rejoice in her "graduation".
'da Dad is planning to call and see when this week we can schedule to get the dirt work going.The weather is supposed to be icy/snowy tomorrow, but nicer by the end of the week. We'll see.
Scripture-Psalm138-9 Song-I've Found a Friend

Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Bibles

Our new Bibles came in the mail Thursday afternoon. We ordered them from Christian Book Distributors. 'da Dad and I got Open Bibles. They have lots of wonderful information in the front of each book, a concordance, definitions of archeich
words,etc. I have sorely missed a Bible with helps.This is the Bible 'da Dad used to preach out of. Belle got a pink Precious Moments Bible, and Lionheart and Red got Explorer Bibles. They have a lot of nice helps and activities in them. All the others had their Bibles in the van, so they didn't need to be replaced.
My desire for God's word has increased greatly since the fire. I really,really want to read and spend time with the Father.
I guess adversity is good for the soul. It causes me to cling to the one thing in my life that doesn't change, God-my Father, Jesus-my Saviour, Holy Spirit- my Teacher and Comforter. Nothing else is permanent.
Yesterday involved a lot of running. We took of the rest of the junk metal to the recyclers. Then, 'da Dad went tool shopping. It was kind of funny, me being in the "guy mall" (Harbor Freight, Academy sports is also a "guy mall") with him and Bunny. I was sure people were wondering why I wasn't freaking out over his purchases, but I was engaged in a rare win-win situation with his "toy" shopping trip. I get a house and he gets tools. How cool is that?
We are working around here on straightening up, laundry,etc. In a small house, we are constantly cleaning, picking up, etc., trying to some how make more space or better use of the space we do have.Always shuffling.
Lionheart has a basketball game today. Gypsygirl and Miss Petite are going to go cook and sew with some friends this afternoon. I wish I could go ; ). Life is full, and it is good.
"The Lord is the potion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot.The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea I have a goodly heritage. I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: my reins (mind) also instruct me in the night seasons.I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth;my flesh also shall rest in hope." Psalm 16:5-9
Song-The Great Speckled Bird (bluegrass song)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello! (from Miss Petite}

Hello Friends! Seems like the Mama beat me to the computer first! As the Mama told you all, Nae Nae is sick,and it's really scary when little people get sick.She just looks so bad,but she'll get better soon,with love and prayer,and I guess medicine. (I'm joking,she really hates the nasty stuff.)
Well,I really don't have much to write, so, I would like to sing a few songs,and if you know them,sing too.

"I Love You Lord
"I will Celebrate"
"Come,now is the time to worship"

Praise God we live today,to serve Him,and that we will some day live with Him!
Bye for now,Miss Petite. : )

(Note here from the mama- She had written the lyrics, but I deleted them. Just a little concerned about licensing laws:))
We got the concrete contractor's estimate. It is more than we planned for, but God was not surprised! ;) We are waiting for His leading as to what to do next.He is our only hope and strength.
Isaiah 40:31-" But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint."
NaeNae is down with respiratory flu. She's a trooper. Prayerfully, no one else gets it.:)
Today is Robert's other long school day. I miss him too. It will be a real adjustment for all of us when he returns to work.
It will be good though. I am very proud of his hard work. May God bless him.
I had a pretty bad day on the 20th. I was really struggling with some fears. I read a quote on BanjoHangout (a forum for banjo players) that says, "Courage is fear that has said its prayers." That was such a blessing! My whole day went better. I realized that I had not been praying, just worrying. Thank you, Lord!
Song- He Leadeth Me

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

'daDad's first post

I was told that I needed to post on our blog, so here I am. As you have read from the posts by the Mama, life has sure changed for us. We have our good days and of course our bad days, but for me the good days outweigh the bad ones. I had one of those moments when I realized that the only thing I had left of my father's was his pickup, I had a lot of tools that belonged to him which were in the house. That's okay because I still have the memories. My last semester of college started yesterday. It was a long day! I hadn't realized just how much I had become accustomed to being at home. I have been unemployed since June of 2007 and started back to school in the fall of that year, but all of my days had been partial days, but this semester I have two full days that I'll be gone from home, basically 10-12 hours with travel time included. Makes me wonder how long it will take for me to readjust to a full 40 hour work week. Anyways, God is so Good!! and I am blessed with a wonderful family!! I know that everything will work out for the best. I think I will close with some scripture: Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. My prayer for you all is to continue in the faith of passage and if you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior then please consider reading His word and make that decision soon! Take care and God bless!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Some of My thoughts (from Miss Petite)&Misc.

(This is Miss Petite-14yo dd)

Hello! I am what the mama calls Miss Petite on the blog I hope you enjoy reading about me, I guessed it was about time for someone besides the mama to write on this blog.
I'm kind of new at this blogging stuff, so I really have no idea what to write about.

Well,here goes nothing. Yesterday we went up to the place and chose the site for the new house. It was kind of weird having to do it over again. It felt like we were on a fresh patch of land,starting over again,and, in a sense,we are. It's kinda been hard for me to except the reality of everything that's going on right now. I'm mean,we're having to rebuild a house that we had spent so much time and effort in. It hit me the other day that NOTHING is going to EVER be the same again.
While I was making lunch the other day,I noticed that this isn't our stove,these aren't our dishes and this isn't our home. But God told me that He knows what He's doing and that He knows what I'm going through,what we're all going through.
God's been showing me some things here lately. He's shown me that I'm not depending completely on Him and that I don't fully trust Him for everything we need, that I need to have a better attitude about the house and about being in smaller quarters, and that I need to be patient as well.
I'll tell you, it's been hard to admit(well, at least for me) that we need help from other people right now, 'cause you get so used to being the person who gives, that it becomes hard to take.

God has been blessing us like crazy. It's funny how amazing we think God's provisions are when we see it and yet, we claim to have believed it's possible all along! We been blessed with lots of stuff we can't use so, we can share with others who can use the things we don't need.
He knows what He's doing, we just need to trust Him.
Well, write to you later. Sincerely, Miss Petite. :)
(oh yeah,the mama's the one who picked my name, not me!)

(This is the mama-and Miss Petite is actually Grandma's fault!)
She's just a pretty awesome girl.
Yesterday we went back to the place to do......more clean up. 'da Dad and the children moved the stove wood to our near neighbor's house. He's been doing our chores, and since he's burning wood and, uh, we're not, we want him to use it. Lionheart and Red moved some big logs together. The young bucks were rather proud of themselves. Gypsygirl (15yodd) and Miss Petite also helped. They are not proud, but they are sore.
We had to move the wood because it interferes with the new house site we picked out yesterday. It will set on an angle facing the southeast, instead of facing the road directly east.
Tomorrow we are going to call 1-800-dig-rite. Just as a preparatory step for the dirt work :).
Today, we were blessed to spend a good afternoon with some dear friends. They always refresh us. I hope they feel that way about us. They were able to give us a lead on help with the roof and electrical work, so that's exciting.
We are enjoying our family. Even when things aren't going the way we'd like for them to, we have God, and each other.
Scripture- 2 Corinthians 1 Song-Wonderful Words of Life

Friday, January 16, 2009

Other Things

Life moves on. Not everything in our life revolves around the fire. Today, 'da Dad spent the lion's share of the day getting our economy car legal. My brother, dad, and Farmerboy worked the last week+ to get the brakes fixed (thanks guys!), and we were able to get the muffler installed this morning. So, we once again have a quiet and inexpensive car to use. Yay!
It got up to a whopping 28 today. Whooppeeeee! I think we are going to clean at the place tomorrow. It's supposed to make it into the 40's.
Well, I need to go "bless" (clean) this house a bit. Have a great night!
Scripture-Acts 12-13 Song-Abide with Me

Thursday, January 15, 2009


(As in the UK word for lumber.) Forgot to say on last night's post that 'da Dad was able to go (with some friends and a few of the elders) and do some serious lumber shopping last Saturday. They went to a huge building materials auction about a hundred miles away and paid about 1/3 off retail!
Thank you, Lord, for timing!
They also picked up a few doors and some very pretty transom and paladium windows. I was really excited about that ;).
Today, we did schoolwork, some reorganizing of space and things (we did this all the time in the trailer we lived in before we moved into the big house), washed and put away the laundry. No one wanted to go outside. The high today was...............18. Toasty.
Tomorrow, we hope to finish cleaning up. We'll see how the weather goes. I think it's supposed to get up to a balmy 30-something.
We found out today that a friend from high school named John, may have lung cancer. Please be prating for him, his wife, and two children.
Scripture-Romans 8 (esp. 35-9) Song-All the Way My Savior Leads Me

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dirt and Decisions

Wow! Has it really been a week since I was on here? A lot has happened.
Last week we did a lot of metal cleanup. Yesterday, they took about half of it to the junk yard. It was worth the trip. Next time they'll probably only get enough to cover the gas, since there is no copper left.
We met with the concrete and dirt work men today. They were both very nice and had some good ideas.
The house site is settled. We are waiting for a quote from our concrete man to decide whether we will be having a partial basement or not. Either way, we are planning to have a poured crawl space.
Now, we are looking into various ways to heat the house. In the first house, we used an indoor wood stove. I don't know if we want to that again.
(Even though the stove was not the source of the fire. We are certain the fire began in our electrical system.)
Tomorrow, Lord willing,we are staying home. The high here is only going to be 14. Brrr. Did I mention we live on prairie land? So there's always wind. The wind chill is supposed to be -10.
Later this week it's supposed to warm up. Then, we'll finish cleaning.
Next week is hopefully going to be in the 40's and sunny. So, if everybody' schedules work out, we just might get some of the before mentioned work done.
I am trying to be grateful, but I'll be happy when we get moved back home. All the children and 'da Dad feel the same way. Even our nearest neighbor misses us.
School is going well. Other home schoolers have been generously donating books, etc. It is such a blessing.
Last Friday, the folks at the Bluegrass Jamboree took up a collection for us and gave us an opportunity to say a few words. We simply pointed them to the goodness of God, and the beauty of Jesus and His sacrifice for us. It is our desire to give Him the glory.
Scripture-Luke 4 Song-I will Sing of My Redeemer

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Well, we finally got some closure. Yesterday, we went back to the place to clean up. A young neighbor friend came out with a skid steer and helped move the blocks that had been our foundation. It is good to have friends to help push us along. I'll try to get some pics posted soon:).
I think we have figured out how to plan the new kitchen. That's been a little hard for me. I really liked the old one. Oddly, the new one is planned very much like it. LOL!
I had a little attitude problem today. I slept in this a.m. and the children got up before I did. Very bad, must get Bible reading done before children are up! That is my link to sanity!
Scripture-(especially for the church) Romans 12 ; song "Blessed Redeemer"

Monday, January 5, 2009

What's Going On

My brother and his wife had their first child on Saturday. Congratulations John and Sarah! He is a sweetie!
The concert went really well. Everyone did a great job singing and playing. It's very humbling to have people willing to do what they can to help, especially something so personal. May God richly bless those who helped.
The children started their schoolwork again today. It is a good bit modified from what they were doing, but it works. I had the older 4 write essays. Three of them wrote about the fire, so they may decide to post that on the blog. I was very impressed. We are blessed with some amazing children.
Getting back to the books is another way for life to be normal. It is a part of our routine which is necessary and still achievable.
'da Dad is hoping to get started cleaning up tomorrow. That's the first step in starting to build again.
We went to do some pricing yesterday. Sticker shock! Most of the lumber we used in the 1st house was reclaimed (and built 5-6 years ago), so we are having to readjust our thinking a bit.LOL! Nevertheless, the Lord will provide.
Scripture Luke 11-13. Song-"Blessed Assurance".
You all have a blessed night.
the mama

Friday, January 2, 2009

Another day

Today is Farmerboy's 17th birthday. Hard to believe. We have been blessed to have him in our family. I thank God for him everyday. The days we have left with him are getting shorter. Time to redeem the time.
We got another phone call from a church community that is willing to help put up the house. This makes 2, plus other brothers in Christ that are from other churches. It will be neat to see how the house goes up.
People have donated pretty much all of the furniture we need, so that's a blessing. I really thought it would take a lot longer.
I need to get our story up soon, but I need someone to help with pictures.
Today's scripture Jeremiah 29:11-13, song "It is Well with my Soul."
the mama

Thursday, January 1, 2009


That scripture reference should have been Psalm 136.
We finally got all of the clothing gone through and washed. Those clothes we weren't able to use, can now bless somebody else. Several friends came and helped, otherwise we'd probably still be there. It's a great feeling to be able to move on to the next step.
I was going to try and figure out what to do about the Robinson Curriculum. It has to be installed before you can look at it and I don't know if my dad's computer has enough memory. So, I'll have to check into that later.
We are having a fairly relaxing day. It's a nice day here and we enjoyed bbq with some church friends. Earlier, I took Lionheart (12yo ds) up to his Upwards coach's house to get a new uniform. The other one burned. He was grateful to have it, his first game is coming up soon. More normal.
The scripture for today is James 3 and 4, the song-" He Leadeth Me".
God is so good.
the mama