Our Team

'daDad (38 yo), the Mama (36yo), FarmerBoy (19 yo ds), Gypsygirl (17 yo dd), Miss Petite (16 yo dd),LionHeart (14 yo ds), Red (12 yo ds), Belle (10 yo dd),Nae Nae (7 yo dd),Bunny (2 yo dd), Little Britches (3 months)

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Yesterday we got cinder block (from the old foundation) cleaned up to build the piers. Gypsygirl, Ms. Petite, and I worked on that. Today, we are planning on finishing that job. Just 14 more to go.
Red and Lionheart broke off the tie ins (these are pieces of metal with a hole in them, that a pin is slid into to hold the concrete forms in place) that were in the foundation walls.
Farmerboy tried to fix the wheelbarrow so we could mix concrete in it. It needed more repairs than he could do out at the place, so we ended up bringing it in town.
'da Dad and the three elders went to get lumber so it could be cut to length. Dad set the saw up to do some chopping, and then it began to rain. And rain. So, we came back into town and he, Farmerboy, Gypsygirl, and Lionheart chopped and restacked the lumber. We didn't get as much done as we had hoped, but we still got some things done.
We are hoping to get the piers in by tomorrow evening, but we really need a break in the weather.
I'm not sure we are going to try camping out after all because it looks as though it may be raining off and on those days. Praying for a break......
Working on those blocks yesterday gave me a chance to work on determination:). I am glad to have that nearly done.
The Lord has been so good to us.
We have Jesus, a home, our family, Christian brethern, food, and clothing. What do we have to complain about?
I have struggled with our change in circumstances. The lack of privacy, space, quiet,etc. But, God has been so faithful to give us other blessings here. I was hanging laundry the other day, and noticed wild strawberries! We don't have those at "home". Then Tuesday, we saw some live snails. I've never seen those before in my whole life. There are more rabbits here, due to lack of predators. Also, there is more opportunity to watch birds, as we have no trees near to the house site (nor did we before). All of these things please the children and me.
Another thing God showed me a few days ago was that we treally needed to reach out to all the little people coming to visit our children. One boy comes over almost everyday. I dont' know too much about him, except he's quiet. (The children are always watched over, call me paranoid.) I gave him a children's Bible the other day. It has lots of pictures and is an easy to read version.
I have decided that if we are still here when the public school children are out for the summer,that I am going to take the time to read them Bible stories when they come over. Just a little sowing.
Have a blessed day!
the mama
1 John 3-5 Showers of Blessing (lol)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Things I Forgot to Mention

Last time I blogged I forgot to mention that when we cleaned out 'da Dad's shed I found pictures!!!
Praise God! It has (the box) most of our pictures from before we were married till after NaeNae was born. Yay!
That cleaning project was....icky. One of the character issues my husband has challenged me on is my lack of determination (he's right). So, sticking to it was a good way for the children (oldest 4) and I to work on that:).
I need to get on with the day. I have laundry to do, school to teach, phone calls to make,etc.
Have a blessed day!
the mama
John 13-15 Grace Greater than Our Sin

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Framing dates

God is good! Monday I was struggling with having a pity party. That afternoon He let us meet up with a man I grew up with, who has lost his business, his father (cancer-4 mos. from diagnosis), and his home (economy), all in the last year. And he was praising God! SOOOOO, that got me over my whining (mental-not out loud). At least we have a home to go back to. Please join us in praying for him and his family.
'da Dad and I made up a list of things we have to get done before we can frame. We accomplished two of those yesterday:).
He called the framer and he is available to give us three full days, starting May4th!!!! Pretty exciting!
I think we are going to camp out there on those days so we can get more done. The children are really jazzed about that. I'm praying for good weather, plenty of help, and that we get more done than we should be able to.
'da Dad graduates one month exactly today! That's something worth celebrating.
Romans 8:37 Blessed Assurance

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well, yesterday they poured the last side of our footing (we are using three sides of the old one-the back end, for those who've seen the original house) and set up 4 ft. forms on the other three sides.
Today, they were forecasting rain. I just really was impressed by the Lord last night, that today was going to be the day. So it was. It did rain off and on, but they got it done. I am sooo excited.
Gypsygirl, Ms. Petite, and I have spent the day freezing and canning peaches and peach preserves.
In fact, I can't spend too much time on here. I just wanted to let everybody know that the concrete (at least most of it-not sure about piers) is done!
Proverbs 8 Awesome God

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The concrete sub called yesterday afternoon and said that he would be bringing up the forms this afternoon. We are going up home tomorrow, so we'll see. Some friends were supposed to bring up gravel for the driveway, not sure whether today or tomorrow. So, prayerfully, some concrete will be in the ground by the weekend. I'll update later.
I have been reading Hebrews, James, 1&2 Peter, and now 1 John. Much of what I have been noticing is our charge to love one another. We have been on the receiving end, am I sure that I am giving it out too?
God is so good.
Jesus, Sweetest Name I Know (song)