Our Team

'daDad (38 yo), the Mama (36yo), FarmerBoy (19 yo ds), Gypsygirl (17 yo dd), Miss Petite (16 yo dd),LionHeart (14 yo ds), Red (12 yo ds), Belle (10 yo dd),Nae Nae (7 yo dd),Bunny (2 yo dd), Little Britches (3 months)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Some of My thoughts (from Miss Petite)&Misc.

(This is Miss Petite-14yo dd)

Hello! I am what the mama calls Miss Petite on the blog I hope you enjoy reading about me, I guessed it was about time for someone besides the mama to write on this blog.
I'm kind of new at this blogging stuff, so I really have no idea what to write about.

Well,here goes nothing. Yesterday we went up to the place and chose the site for the new house. It was kind of weird having to do it over again. It felt like we were on a fresh patch of land,starting over again,and, in a sense,we are. It's kinda been hard for me to except the reality of everything that's going on right now. I'm mean,we're having to rebuild a house that we had spent so much time and effort in. It hit me the other day that NOTHING is going to EVER be the same again.
While I was making lunch the other day,I noticed that this isn't our stove,these aren't our dishes and this isn't our home. But God told me that He knows what He's doing and that He knows what I'm going through,what we're all going through.
God's been showing me some things here lately. He's shown me that I'm not depending completely on Him and that I don't fully trust Him for everything we need, that I need to have a better attitude about the house and about being in smaller quarters, and that I need to be patient as well.
I'll tell you, it's been hard to admit(well, at least for me) that we need help from other people right now, 'cause you get so used to being the person who gives, that it becomes hard to take.

God has been blessing us like crazy. It's funny how amazing we think God's provisions are when we see it and yet, we claim to have believed it's possible all along! We been blessed with lots of stuff we can't use so, we can share with others who can use the things we don't need.
He knows what He's doing, we just need to trust Him.
Well, write to you later. Sincerely, Miss Petite. :)
(oh yeah,the mama's the one who picked my name, not me!)

(This is the mama-and Miss Petite is actually Grandma's fault!)
She's just a pretty awesome girl.
Yesterday we went back to the place to do......more clean up. 'da Dad and the children moved the stove wood to our near neighbor's house. He's been doing our chores, and since he's burning wood and, uh, we're not, we want him to use it. Lionheart and Red moved some big logs together. The young bucks were rather proud of themselves. Gypsygirl (15yodd) and Miss Petite also helped. They are not proud, but they are sore.
We had to move the wood because it interferes with the new house site we picked out yesterday. It will set on an angle facing the southeast, instead of facing the road directly east.
Tomorrow we are going to call 1-800-dig-rite. Just as a preparatory step for the dirt work :).
Today, we were blessed to spend a good afternoon with some dear friends. They always refresh us. I hope they feel that way about us. They were able to give us a lead on help with the roof and electrical work, so that's exciting.
We are enjoying our family. Even when things aren't going the way we'd like for them to, we have God, and each other.
Scripture- 2 Corinthians 1 Song-Wonderful Words of Life

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