Our Team

'daDad (38 yo), the Mama (36yo), FarmerBoy (19 yo ds), Gypsygirl (17 yo dd), Miss Petite (16 yo dd),LionHeart (14 yo ds), Red (12 yo ds), Belle (10 yo dd),Nae Nae (7 yo dd),Bunny (2 yo dd), Little Britches (3 months)

Monday, August 24, 2009

This and Last Week's Happenings

This was in yesterday's church bulletin. It's so good, I just had to share it here.

The Cross by the Numbers
by Stephen Bradd

0-sins;bones broken
1-Sovreign Lord;atoning death
2-natures(mortal and divine)
3-days;crosses(one died in sin,one died to sin,one died for sin)
4-way division of his garments
5-major wounds(back,head,hands,feet,and side)
6-unmerciful hours
7-sayings on the cross
8-days after the resurrection(John 20:26-31)
9-gifts given by Christ after His ascension (1 Cor. 12)
10-days between His ascension and Pentacost
11-apostles who waited in Jerusalem (Acts 1)
12-apostles who turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6)

That just makes you want to go back and check it out doesn't it? You might just have to read all 4 of the gospels to catch them all ;)!

We have had some beautiful fall-type weather, courtesy of some hurricanes. I always feel bad about this, b/c I know someone, somewhere had a hard time first. We'll be praying for them.
Anyway, it did make for nice conditions to pick and can the last of the corn, and of course to work on the house.
We did more electrical work this weekend. A friend came and put in the wire that runs from the pole to the house. He knew exactly what he was doing, so we just let him do it. Farmerboy did act as his helper and gopher.
The next couple of weekends we probably won't be doing much b/c of prior commitments. Maybe we can do some work during the week, though.
School is going very well. All of the children are making good progress. There is one silver lining to our present circumstances. They are usually done with their schoolwork by lunch time or shortly after, so the balance of the afternoon(before ps lets out) is spent putting laundry away or doing daily cleanup chores. That way, as soon as 3:00 rolls around, they are free to go. Works for me.
There is a county fair here this week. Our family plans to go. I had thought about entering some of our produce for judging, but I never have found out the particulars, so I probably won't. Some of us are going to work in a food stand for the Upward basketball program, and 'da Dad and I will be attending the Right to Life booth. These are 2 good opportunities to speak for Christ this week. The children have their plans,too. :)

John 8-9 I Will Call upon the Lord

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