Our Team

'daDad (38 yo), the Mama (36yo), FarmerBoy (19 yo ds), Gypsygirl (17 yo dd), Miss Petite (16 yo dd),LionHeart (14 yo ds), Red (12 yo ds), Belle (10 yo dd),Nae Nae (7 yo dd),Bunny (2 yo dd), Little Britches (3 months)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

'da Dad and Framerboy finished up the housewrap today. I was the "ground guy" for them. I got crisp. It sure is nice to have that job done.
Over the week we have installed about half of the windows, too. It really is looking more like a house all the time.
On Monday, we had some helpers come and work on the roof. They were able to put the front of the hipped roof (think pyramid shape) before a storm hit. Now, we are waiting for another clear, still day to work on that some more.
The upside to all of this rain is that the garden has miraculously come to life. Ms. Petite and Gypsygirl helped plant it Friday and Saturday of last week. Itinerant planters and waterers were: NaeNae, Belle, and Red. I couldn't have done it as quickly, nor as well, without all of their good help. It makes me wonder how I ever got anything done before.;)
I read some very encouraging poetry this morning. Maybe I'll be able to share it on here sometime.
Have a blessed day!

Psalm 3-4 He Lives

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