Our Team

'daDad (38 yo), the Mama (36yo), FarmerBoy (19 yo ds), Gypsygirl (17 yo dd), Miss Petite (16 yo dd),LionHeart (14 yo ds), Red (12 yo ds), Belle (10 yo dd),Nae Nae (7 yo dd),Bunny (2 yo dd), Little Britches (3 months)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back Home

Yes, that's right! We moved back home the 29th of October ! God blessed us with just enough help to be really efficient. There were about 4 young men (14-19), 2 young ladies from our church, and our family. The move was completed in less than 6 hrs! Praise be to God!
Thanks to all who prayed, gave, listened, and loved us during this time. God blessed each one of you!
BTW, anyone facing a move should go to flylady.net and use the ideas on there for moving. That really made a lot of difference. I've never had an easier move.
Now we're waiting for baby;).

Psalm 118 Proverbs 18

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