Our Team

'daDad (38 yo), the Mama (36yo), FarmerBoy (19 yo ds), Gypsygirl (17 yo dd), Miss Petite (16 yo dd),LionHeart (14 yo ds), Red (12 yo ds), Belle (10 yo dd),Nae Nae (7 yo dd),Bunny (2 yo dd), Little Britches (3 months)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tea Time w/ My Girls

For a month or so, I have been trying to keep a special tea time with my girls. Because their ages and needs are different, I meet with the older girls on Thursdays after supper. The little girls (Belle and NaeNae) I gather with on Sunday afternoons. We typically have tea or coffee in my tea set ( a very neat "coffee pot", sugar,and creamer set my dh bought me as an anniversary gift 2-3yrs ago-I was wanting one just for this purpose.), and cookies or scones.
Gypsygirl, Ms. Petite, and I have been reading "Raising Maidens of Virtue" by Stacy MacDonald. It has been very good.
I am reading through "The King's Daughter". I cannot remember who publishes it, but it has various authors.
I think we are all enjoying our time together. It gives us an opportunity to learn what God wants for us, as well as knitting our hearts closer through prayer and sharing our thoughts.
My first responsibility as an "older woman" (Titus 2) is to train my own girls to be all God wants them to be (as I too am learning).
The men in our family have been turkey hunting several with no success. At least they get some time outdoors together.
Tonight we had a really nice supper. It was really peaceful.
Little Britches now has his bottom 2 front teeth in. He is so cute,sweet, and chubby. We are having a lot of fun with him.

1 Timothy 1&2

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What's Up

Sometimes it's hard to know what to blog about, so I don't write for a while.
The weather here has been typical (read erratic). Last night it got cold enough for a fire, and we'll be grateful for one tonight.
Tomorrow our church is traveling over to another community where 2 elders are starting a church plant. It is a college town, with lots of international students, so they could literally be" reaching the world" with the gospel. Next week is their first official week as a "church". Please be praying for them.
Farmerboy shared his testimony at half-time for the first time today. He had an opportunity to talk to 12-15 yo boys about Jesus, and talking to and trusting their parents. I hope it blessed someone.
He is planning to work this summer for the state park service. We'll see what he does next fall. Right now he is looking to take a breather and reassess what God wants him to do.
Gypsygirl is planning to take her GED test on June 2. After graduation, she is looking to develop her animal husbandry skills by raising boer goats.
Ms. Petite still has 1-2 yrs of school left, depending on how the credits work out.
Soon we will be putting the garden in. Somehow we always end up a bit late, but at least we'll get one this year.

Ephesians 6