Our Team

'daDad (38 yo), the Mama (36yo), FarmerBoy (19 yo ds), Gypsygirl (17 yo dd), Miss Petite (16 yo dd),LionHeart (14 yo ds), Red (12 yo ds), Belle (10 yo dd),Nae Nae (7 yo dd),Bunny (2 yo dd), Little Britches (3 months)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Food Storage Helper

This is an LDS site ( we are not LDS), but I had a friend interested in it. The address is foodstoragemadeeasy.net. We are not currently doing this, but I am intrigued at the idea of having a years' worth of food and supplies on hand at any given time.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Work to be done

Last night the children and I met 'da Dad at the new house. We did chores and helped unload some supplies. We ended up having an impromptu wienie roast. Farmerboy's friend came up, too with her little brother. The older girls worked in the garden some, planting some raspberry plants for me.
We returned today, to work on clearing out the area around the house so we can have someone come in and backfill (put dirt in the remainder of the foundation hole, around the outer edge) it.
'da Dad and Lionheart did weed eating so they could find the rest of our siding material (overgrown weeds). Sometime soon the men from church will be helping finish the exterior of the house.
Once the girls and I were done helping them move things, we went inside to paint the cabinets again. I had originally bought a $5 bucket of mistinted paint for this. After we put the first coat on I realized there was no way I could ever make myself like it. It was a nasty hot pink/dusty rose hue. So today,we went to WalMart and bought the color I had picked out to begin with. It's a nice dark berry shade. The new color is perfect, just what I had in mind.
Be blessed.

Peoverbs 26

Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Every Morning

At church, we have been doing a Bible study (Sun. nights) on our thought life. This has been eye opening for me. Why is it so easy to accept satan's lie, but so hard to embrace the truth God gives us? We all sin and fall short. But God has made a way for us to be free ( confessing our sin, accepting Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord). Those who are saved are no longer condemned by God, but satan is the accuser of the brethern. What he says is often true, or partially true, but God is no longer holding it over us. We need to focus on our forgiveness and our position before the Lord, and rebuke satan (tell him in Jesus' name to be quiet!). God's mercies are new every morning! Praise God! I know I need it!

Psalm 50 Proverbs 24

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wow, it's hot!

Yesterday the children and I went up to the place to do chores and play for awhile. 'da Dad worked late and I didn't want him having to stop and do chores afterwards. When we left town at 4pm, it was 102! Of course, it was probably cooler at home, because there is no concrete or buildings. It also is windy out there. Anyway, the house was not too bad, but it was still hot.
We did chores first, and then I gave the children some jobs.
Ms. Petite swept the floor downstairs. Our dog had rubbed all over it, working to remove her winter coat. When that was done, she and I planned the kitchen layout. We purchased used cabinetry and had to re-think how to best use them. This replaces our original plan.
Gypsygirl weeded her little garden. It has volunteer squash or pumpkins and sunflowers in it.
Lionheart made a path the the pigeon coop and the "necessary". It is getting kind of grown up out there. The youngers entertained themselves and Bunny.
After that, we stopped and visited a few minutes with one neighbor. We were picking up supplies to make 2 pieced blocks to go on her brother's wedding quilt. Gypsygirl and I will be sewing those. Ms. Petite has been working on an embroidered one to go with it. She has the talent and skills to do that, I don't.
Then, we went to our neighbors we buy milk from. They had 3 gallons for us. Mmm.
I am feeling pretty good now. The baby seems to be doing well. I do seem a little (LOT) more emotional, but I am just trying to lean more on the Lord and my husband.
Psalm 48 Proverbs 23

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Who Do You Go to for Advice?

This past Sunday we had a family reunion of sorts, and due to the timing, planned to attend church in that town. We went to a baptist church that some of our friends attend. I enjoyed the more traditional service, but I am glad for how our home church does things,too.
The thought that has stuck with me most is a comment the pastor made during his sermon. He was discussing 1 Samuel 28, where Saul consults with the witch of Endor. He mentioned that a lot of people ask why they can't play with ouija boards, follow their horoscopes, use tarot cards, have their palms read, etc. It is because when you consult these things, you are asking satan for direction! We should ask God for direction.
This got me to thinking about what the Bible says about God and satan's "feelings" toward us.
God-" I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me,and gave himself for me."
(The computer now wants to remain in bold **sigh**, I am not yelling.)
satan- " Be sober,be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."

Now, I don't know about you, but I sure don't want to be taking life suggestions from someone who is out to kill (destroy) me. I believe I'll be praying to the Maker of the stars who loves me.
Just something to ruminate on.
Oh, btw, Christians are not immune. Watching horror movies, reading horror novels, listening to demonic music, playing role playing games, pornography and dabbling in any of the previously mentioned activities will affect you spiritually because you have given satan permission to invade that part of your life. He always wants more ground. He will make you miserable, scared, unloving, and completely ineffective in your Christian walk. Remember, he is bent on devouring you.
Not to be all doom and gloom here :). We have had a very good week. It has rained here twice. It kind of looks like it might storm today. I guess we'll see.
My dad got the internet working again (yay Dad!), and so I am able to blog here again. Very nice.
Gypsygirl had a birthday a while back, and 'da Dad and I are planning to take her out. It should be fun. We do not always get a lot of alone time with each child, so we grab what we can. She is now 17, and is very much the young lady. She is such a blessing.

Psalm 45 Proverbs 17

Monday, June 14, 2010


Just got a phone call from Farmerboy. He finally received his GED results..........and he...........passed! Praise the Lord! Our first one is now graduated!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


First, an addition to yesterday's post. When I was writing about the way we homeschool, I by no means was saying this method was they only/best way. We have used unit studies and textbook only approaches as well. They served us at the time, but don't work well anymore. If something is blessing your family and helping educate your children in the way God has led you, then go for it!
I am struggling with adjusting to the changing needs of one of my children. I am so glad that God knows him and me inside out, and that His word says that He will give wisdom to those who lack it and ask for it. Not only that, but He won't make me feel foolish for needing it in the first place! Thank you Lord!

Psalm 33 Proverbs 9

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Children

Yeay, blogger is working today! I was going to post yesterday, but I couldn't use blogger while I was over here at my parents'. So here I am today.
I can't remember anything I was going to blog about either :p.
School is still going very well. All but 2 of the children are done with this year's school work (school year runs from July 1 to June 30 of the next year here). I am so proud of the hard work they have put in. The others are all now working on "next" year's books. These will not actually count toward next year's hours, but it does put them ahead in their level of work. We are expecting to take a bit of a break for the move and the baby's birth, so continuing full speed ahead right now makes sense.
We use several different teaching methods with our children, but we are largely Charlotte Mason/living books/life experiences folks. Our children do some "delight directed" study and exploration on their own, but we would not want their entire education to be that style. We believe that life is full of things we have to do and they may as well learn that early. Don't feel sorry for them, though. Robinson teaches the basics and they enjoy nature, read encyclopedias voraciously, and have access to all kinds of art projects, and they have plenty of time to play outside and imagine. They also work hard and enjoy each other. These things and a thorough exposure to God and His word are what we consider an education.
Sometimes I forget to just really enjoy and appreciate my children. They are such neat people. They have gifts and abilities that God can use. They really like to bless others by making cards or singing, or just saying I love you. I am trying to be more focused on them and less focused on all the "stuff" I think I need to do. Life is more than a to-do list. All that stuff will be forgotten, but my children will remember what kind of mother I was. Did I point them to the Saviour, or did I shuffle them out of the way so could get things done?
My growing family is growing up.
We were unable to hang laundry yesterday, due to rain. It was cool enough not to run the a/c, so we used the dryer. Today it is supposed to be warmer again, and then rain later in the day. Little Red has to get his laundry done early, or it won't be dry on the lines before the rain comes. Yes, even my boys have laundry days. It is a good life skill.
I have been re-reading "Passionate Housewives Desperate for God" by Jennie Chancey and Stacy Mc Donald. My dear husband bought it for me last year. I devoured it in 2 days. This time I am reading it slower, a chapter a day, with my quiet time. I am getting a lot more out of it this time. If you need encouragement as a stay-at-home mom or your wife could use it, it is available from Vision Forum.
Be blessed.
Psalm 34 Proverbs 8

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Settling Things

If anyone decides to try my padded panties idea, I would suggest leaving your "pads" separate and pin them in. I am having a hard time getting them dry in a day's time on the line. The dryer doesn't dry them well either, because the sensor thinks it's dry because the thin fabric is.
Well, I got our first post-a/c, post- line drying electric bill. Yikes! If it weren't for the line drying, we could not afford the a/c! The bill is the same as it has been basically every month since we've lived in town. Earlier today I was working on a cost comparison of expenses of living in town to living at home. We could be saving about $200 a month!
'da Dad and I had a date/meeting last week and were able to settle a few things. We are not taking time off school until the move,and I am going to print next year's school books ahead of time. We also set a budget for the baby, birth supplies (we home birth), school supplies, and the things we need to finish the kitchen and bathroom in the new house. It was nice to look ahead together and make some plans. I am so blessed to have a husband and friend all in one.
I am pretty sure we are not putting a garden in. I will probably still have some tomatoes in buckets, but that will be it.
I have been doing a little sewing for myself. Most of my clothes are no longer comfortable. Baby is doing well and so am I.

Proverbs 28