Our Team

'daDad (38 yo), the Mama (36yo), FarmerBoy (19 yo ds), Gypsygirl (17 yo dd), Miss Petite (16 yo dd),LionHeart (14 yo ds), Red (12 yo ds), Belle (10 yo dd),Nae Nae (7 yo dd),Bunny (2 yo dd), Little Britches (3 months)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Busy Week

Well, it's been an interesting week. (She understates here.)
Last Friday it was 74 outside, Saturday and Sunday we had so much snow that church was canceled, and two of my friends had babies this week! Pretty neat.
Today, we will be doing school and laundry. I have been doing a lot of running today, and am looking forward to a day at home. I think the children are going to enjoy it also.
Within the next week, Bunny will turn 2. Then she won't be a baby anymore:(. Oh, well, we don't raise them to stay little, do we?
Hopefully, we will be working on the house some over the weekend. I guess I need to check the weather when I'm done here.
We haven't started working on the garden yet. It is to wet, but I do need to finalize the layout so I can buy seeds. I'm ready to get out in the soil again. There's nothing quite like being outside.
On another note: our state democratic representative voted against the healthcare bill. If you appreciate him (for once, imho) doing the right thing email or call one of his offices to say thank you. It's not enough to complain at them. We should encourage them when they make good decisions that actually represent the will of their people. A lot of reps didn't do that. BTW, I'm not usually a fan of his, and have never personally voted for him, so I have no bias in his favor. :)
Please do be praying for our leaders, and that God would be glorified in the choices they make and the ones the American people make in November.

Genesis 40-42 Blessed Assurance

Friday, March 19, 2010

Alive and Kicking

Just a quick post to let everybody know that we're still alive. Several of us have had a slight (some more than slight) touch of tummy "yuck". Nothing too serious though.
We will probably not do much at the house this weekend, as the forecast is calling for 30's and maybe 3-8" of snow tomorrow. Did I mention it was sunny and 74 today? So much for global warming!

Psalm 33-36

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about balance here lately. I don't have this one mastered, but I guess I'll just have to keep working on it. :)
Mostly, I have been pondering balance between the sexes, particularly husbands and wives. Men are bashed constantly for being "unrespectible". But, the Bible tellsthem to love us as Christ loves the church. That means when we are unlovely. Wow! I can be pretty "ugly" sometimes, how about you? We respect because we want to respect our husbands in honor of Christ.
Another thing, there is much talk among conservative circles about a man being able to provide for a family when he marries. But, where is the discussion about wives being wise with their husbands gain and content with whatever circumstances she finds the family in. Doesn't it make sense to teach and expect these things to go hand in hand, each strengthening the other?
I guess I'm ranting. Life is full of double standards. As Christians, we should each strive to hold the standard we are given , male and female alike. She should work to be that Titus 2 and Proverb 31 lady. He should work to be that Psalm 1 and Ephesians 5 man. What a blessing that would be.
Next subject.
The weather here is very beautiful. The sun is shining, though it is a few degrees cooler than yesterday. No matter, at least there is the sunshine.
Most people are tilling there gardens in preparation for potatoes, lettuce, and radishes. If we put in anything soon,it will only be potatoes. I generally wait until the last chance of frost is past before I plant anything else. This is especially important since we are not there to cover the tender plants.
Genesis 16-18 Psalm 24

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Blessings of (coming) Spring and Other Things

The weather here has been fabulous! Today it was in the high 50's , cloudy, but no rain.
I noticed earlier this week while walking with Gypsygirl, that the leaves of the daffodils are pushing up. Then yesterday, while I was hanging out laundry, Ms.Petite and Bunny brought me a tiny blue flower. I also noticed the first dandelion of the year. Very exciting! Spring is definitely in the air.
Two of the older children have signed up for the next age group in basketball. We will still not be as busy as we were with upward.
I had a very nice birthday celebration with my honey. The children also made me a lovely card and chose some pretty and practical gifts. I am blessed. The children and I enjoyed the brownies, but I don't think I will make that type again. I am a fudge brownie lover and these were kind of dry. Well, at least we learned what not to do!
I still have not touched that 2nd quilt. I hope to work on it tomorrow after church.
I haven't worked on the LR curtains either.
I did get some stuff we don't currently need packed away. Now I just need to move it into storage.
This weekend we got some insulation put in, work done on 2 doors, a wall moved to better fit the upstairs bath sink, and all handles removed from our "new" cabinets. I think we are going to have to remove the hinges too, and paint them to match our new handles :). It was really nice to make some progress in that direction.
It was very peaceful and quiet at the place. We all really enjoyed it.
God is good.

Genesis 13-15 He Leadeth Me

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Next Thing

Upward season is now over. Awards night was held last night. It was very good. I am interested to know what the response was. Some of it we may not know this side of heaven.
BTW, thanks for those praying for the testimony time. God was good.
Today will be a busy day. We will be doing school and the usual things associated with keeping a house up. There is also a fundraiser for upward that a few may be helping with later.
I need to get my part of the second quilt done today, because I'm supposed to be passing it on. This will be my golden opportunity to visit the R family.
My birthday is this week. 'da Dad and I will be going out sometime. I haven't decided what I want to do yet, but I did get the stuff to make my dessert. I am having turtle brownies. It's a really good thing I have so many children to help me eat them. I like chocolate way too much for my own good!
I finished ordering our school materials. Now we are just waiting on math. We actually had much less to purchase than other years, due to using the Robinson Curriculum. Mostly, I ordered toner, a new drum, and Math-U-See. Paper I am buying at Walmart by the 10 ream case, because it is the cheapest I have found. (Yes, I have checked online:)
I would like to get the curtains sewn for the living room of the new house, as they will be real nice for privacy when we first move in. Some other rooms can wait, but that one is pretty important.
I have been noticing a lot of buzz on a couple of forums and another blog about giving out too much personal info. Please use good judgment. There are a lot of things I do not share on here, partly b/c I am fairly private, and partly b/c there are a lot of people out there with evil intentions and I don't wish to give them access to my family. We also do not facebook, so don't be offended if you aren't added to our "friend" list. We don't have one. After seeing what others are dealing with (which I am not), I am all the more convinced I don't want it.
Just my $.02.

Genesis 7-9 All the Way the My Savior Leads Me