Our Team

'daDad (38 yo), the Mama (36yo), FarmerBoy (19 yo ds), Gypsygirl (17 yo dd), Miss Petite (16 yo dd),LionHeart (14 yo ds), Red (12 yo ds), Belle (10 yo dd),Nae Nae (7 yo dd),Bunny (2 yo dd), Little Britches (3 months)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Moving On

Yesterday afternoon we had a lot of errands to do up by the home place. When we were done, we stopped by to check the ground. It has dried some, but needs a few more dry, sunny, and preferably windy days.
The exceptional thing about that trip for me, though, was that I didn't look for or "see" the old house any more. I know it sounds odd, but I always tried to see it before.
I was able to imagine the new house sitting there. Ranch-style, story and a half, greyish/tan vinyl siding, blue doors, brown trim. Lots of windows and a big porch. *sigh* It sure will be nice.
Today Gypsygirl and Ms. Petite went shopping with one of their great aunts. It was a lot of fun for them. They came back refreshed. I hoped it blessed auntie as much as it did them.
Lionheart is going to his last practice ( I was wrong last week) and a pizza party with the team. 'da Dad went with him. It's nice to have special times like that with each child.
It's hard to believe that another week is almost past. Time just seems to fly by.
I guess we need to treasure the time we have with the ones we love and not be too lax in spending our time and energy on that which lasts.
Proverbs 19 Butterfly Kisses

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Not too much is going on right now. I did speak to our "contractor" and he gave us some good news about the concrete work. Right now, we are praying that God provides him (concrete sub) with plenty of work.
The weather this week is supposed to be dry and warm. Hopefully it will improve conditions for the dirt work.
It's all about timing.
We have decided to shorten the house 2'. This will help conserve materials without sacrificing too much space.
'da Dad invested in some bicycles and parts to fix some up. This way we can go on family rides on nice days. Trying to find things to do in town that are safe and healthy is kind of hard, but we are working on it.
Speaking of which, Ms. Petite is signing up for basketball. Just as Lionheart's season ends her practices will begin. She sure is excited.
School is going very well. Thanks and God bless you! to our unknown friend that donated the Robinson Curriculum! It has really simplified things.
I need to be sending more thank you notes. The help has been such a blessing, but it has been quite overwhelming at times. I just stand in awe of all that God has done. I'm still amazed.
Scripture-Galatians 1-4 Song-I'm Forever Grateful

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rainy days

Well, the backhoe guy called last week to say that mid- to late this week, they would be able to dig. It has rained/snowed here since Monday. Maybe next week :). God's perfect timing.
We may have to change our mind about how we're going to do the foundation. I guess it's just as well there's no hole in the ground yet.
I'm pretty sure we have decided to go ahead and use the siding we had purchased for the original house. It is a grayish/tan vinyl. We have chosen a blue color for the doors. Some of the windows are fancy, so that should keep it from looking too much like a man-cave. (Sorry,guys.)
Belle's birthday was actually Monday (bad mama). 'da Dad and I had a really nice time, just with her. She wanted a beginner embroidery project, so we had to go out of town. She found a horse picture and a stuffed bear to sew by hand. These she is working on with my mom in the afternoon. Mom is really enjoying this. She is currently somewhat house bound, due to a knee injury. So, this is an all-around blessing.
Life is getting a rhythm to it.
Lionheart plays his last Upwards game on Saturday. It has been a lot of fun. His coach deserves a medal. It has got to be taxing to try and get 6, 4-6 grade boys to concentrate on the same thing at the same time.
On Friday, Farmerboy, Gypsygirl, and Ms. Petite will be going to the bluegrass jamboree. I don't know if 'da Dad or I will be taking them. Usually, we decide who's more tired and they get to stay home with the younger children.
Life is good.
Scripture- 2 Corinthians 1-2 (these verses have brought me through a lot, I may have posted them before, oh,well)
Song- I Stand Amazed in the Presence

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The utilities are finally marked at our place. 'da Dad called yesterday and left a message with the backhoe company. I'm sure everyone is taking advantage of the good weather, trying to get their work done too. We'll just have to be patient.
This morning Bunny was really fussy, so I laid her down to check her diaper. She got pretty upset. I needed to change her diaper badly, but she couldn't understand why I had laid her down on that cold bed, taking her out of my warm, cuddly arms, where she was comfortable. In the end, she was better off, but she didn't see why I had put her in a position she hates and made her wait to be comfortable again.(Hang in here with me, I'm going somewhere with this:) Then, it dawned on me, God is like that too. He sees our needs better than we do, and knows just how to fill them. We usually aren't comfortable with how He does it, or the speed at which He is or isn't doing it. I've pitched fits, grumbled, and been discontent while He's tried to fix things in the past. It doesn't work. Some things just go at a certain pace, they can't go fast because the job won't be thorough. God is one who does jobs completely. So, I am trying to be still and let Him work. I think often of the Isrealites that didn't get to enter the promised land. It was complaining that kept them out. Yes, I know the Bible says because of their unbelief, but the grumbling was the outward manifestation of that unbelief.
God is always good, and does what is good for us. I will trust Him.
Belle's birthday will be next Tuesday. She will be 8yo then. Time sure goes by fast.
Some friends of ours from WY just became granparents. Congratulations J&B! That means eventually it will happen to us.*sigh* Feeling a little old today ;).
Scripture -1 Corinthians 5-6 Song-While I'm waiting